The fans should be glad to know that Abe Sapien will be back, the calm ocean Blue to Hellboy's strong fiery Red. Abe took a bad hit in the first "Hellboy" that kept him from seeing much action, but actor Doug Jones recently spoke to The Movie Reporter about his role in the upcoming sequel to "Hellboy" and foretold of Abe's character having a larger part to play in the sequel. He claims that he doesn't know specifics but has heard from the director himself that there may be a development involving Abe that could have fans in an uproar. With "Hellboy 2" so far away still, we'll just have to speculate patiently.
The "Hellboy" franchise is the largest but not the first role for Doug Jones in the realm of comic book movies and their kindred. Among his credits are small roles in "Doom," "Mystery Men," "Tank Girl," "Batman Returns," and one appearance on "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" in the episode "Hush." While we wait to see what is in store for Abe, Doug Jones will be appearing in Del Toro's current project, "Pan's Labyrinth."'
I enjoyed, but did not love, Hellboy. Although it looked great, particularly Hellboy himself, I found myself teetering on boredom as Hellboy repeatedly fought the same creatures. I wasn't so into these creatures and I thought they looked a bit too Doom-like. However, I have faith in the possibility of a good sequel.
The good thing about a sequel is that it isn't bogged down in origin stuff, so I'm with you.
I'm disinclined to be too impressed with the Abe Sapien actor's resume...he doesn't talk! He's just some dancer that David Hyde Pierce does the voice for. I mean, he's good and all, but it's not like they couldn't replace him.
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