Monday, May 07, 2007

Hairspray: John Travolta is Ugly, Woman

From iwatchstuff, "The trailer for the remake of Hairspray is out. It looks like it got remade because the (1988, John Waters) original was too tongue-in-cheek. And if Terminator 2 has taught us anything, it's that when stuff becomes self aware it's, like, dangerous or something.
Oh, and newsflash, guys, John Travolta does not need makeup to look fat. Come to think of it, he doesn't need prosthetic tits either. And hell, he doesn't need to dress like a woman to kiss a man. The only thing he needs is Scientology. Scientology and Doritos."


Octopunk said...

Oh, wow. Nein danke.

I wonder what the shortest hang time is between a movie and its remake (not counting new versions of foreign movies, that’s different). Ninteen years seems like a pretty short wait.


Johnny Sweatpants said...

That's a very good question. I've thought about it all day and gots nothin'.

When A Stranger Calls - 27 yrs
Day of the Dead - 22 yrs
Bad News Bears - 29 yrs


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