He added, "Superman Returns was an amazing effort. You're talking about a story that's been made before; you're talking about the fact that we had to re-explore his youth, his origin. And now, the second movie allows us to go do things that people haven't seen before."
Calling Singer "the best director I've ever worked with," Peters said that Singer "comes up with things that blow my mind. What he did with 'Superman' -- and I worked on that, obviously, through various different directors over 12 years -- is that he came up with a take that brought heart to it. It created a love story; it created a dynamic with the little boy -- things he saw that a lot of us didn't see. I saw a lot of the action. I saw the otherworldly stuff. But I didn't see what he saw, which allows you to get to the otherworldly things."
Brandon Routh is so boring that by the time I'd clicked through to this comment page, I already forgot what I was going to say.
Okay, I went back and read it again and I remember what I was going to say:
"Boring, boring boring."
When I was leaving the theater after seeing "Returns," a dad with two kids was exiting right behind me. The dad took a bright tone and asked the kids, "So what did you think?"
The kids replied, "Boring."
Oh, I don’t know.
I jumped around on the dvd of this recently and had more fun than I thought. I liked the “saving Metropolis from earthquake damage” bit.
The Supes and Lois casting are both sub-optimal and that’s too bad, especially considering all the care that Singer put into the characterization, but I found them decent enough to pull it off.
He just needed to do something else with his climax besides an art-house depiction of somebody getting the crap beat out of him. Luthor should’ve had some big Kryptonian crystal robots or something.
I fell asleep during the last third and I still haven't watched it.
Didn't they just recently find something that has the same chemical compounds as kryptonite in the Soviet Union?
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Well that’s a hearty endorsement JPX.
I mean, what I meant to say was: Really? You totally missed the huge fight with the big Kryptonian crystal robots.
*Sigh* We all did.
I didn't see the new Superman. Something just told me not to view it. After reading these comments... I don't think I missed much. **chuckle**
Maze, check it out on DVD, that way you can skip the [many] slow spots.
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