Sunday, January 11, 2009

Farewell, beloved comfy shirt

If you're like me you have a stack of t-shirts that are never to be worn outside the house. These are, in a way, my favorites. And my favorite among them recently received a mortal wound. Purchased at a show in 2001, my Cibo Matto shirt was the one I'd save for Saturdays. It was the loosest, comfiest, and thanks to that groovy Yellow Submarine-esque graphic, the coolest.

While I was adjusting it the other day I didn't realize Zack was sitting on part of it, and one of its many tiny holes suddenly rent into the gaper you see above. Even according to my relaxed rules of wearability, that's too big a hole.

Ah well. It had a good run. Now if you'll excuse me, there's something in my eye...


Catfreeek said...

My deepest sympathy to you over the loss of your beloved shirt. I have a big soft comfy sweatshirt in similar shape and it will be a very sad day when I have to retire it.

JPX said...

I remember that you once left that shirt at my house. I wore it for a while and was complimented. Then one day you asked for it back and I was sad. Bye bye, cool shirt. Sniff.

AC said...

this is always a sad moment in the life of a beloved garment. your "no gaping holes on the front of the shirt" rule seems to be a good one though.

miko564 said...

I have a flannel that has a gaping hole in the elbow, and very little collar left...but...I can't give it up, no matter what the Swede says. I am now going to quote your "no large holes in the FRONT of the shirt" rule...she's Swedish, she doesn't need to know it isn't an American law...

Octopunk said...

Bear that torch, Miko! The rules are different for outer wear. I have a black sweater I've had since high school, and there's a hole in the armpit you could fit a cantaloupe through. But I will keep that sucker until it's a rat's nest of black yarn.

Love the Isis avatar, Catfreeek.

Catfreeek said...

Ahhh I was wondering who would pick up on it first ;)

Johnny Sweatpants said...

What the hell is an Isis? Is that Carol Burnett?

Octopunk said...

The goddess Isis, yo! How many times do I have to say it?

Catfreeek said...

JSP you're a jerk, just sayin'


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