It was April 1985 and after 6 months of arguing with the Navy, 1 letter to my state senator had finally put my travel paperwork, passport and airline ticket in hand. I would be leaving in 5 short days to join my husband in Japan, where I would be living for the next 4 years. I knew I had to do something really great before I left. Fortune was smiling upon me by way of a Grateful Dead concert. They would be playing for 3 days and being it was last minute I had my work cut out for me in hunting down a ticket. I made dozens of phone calls and finally tracked down a ticket to the second night. I would be going with my buddies Tom & Joe. Now I can tell you that the night was fantastic, doses were being passed by way of electric strawberries and cosmic orange slices. The music was enchanting and a good time was had by all. A fun night but not one that engraves itself into the memory banks for all time. It’s just a necessary lead in to the night that was to follow.

Anyone that has been to a Dead show or followed for any length of time knows if they are playing for more than one night, the last night is the night to be there. Now I knew I had to be there, I couldn’t just up and leave without seeing one more show. Though try as I may, I found no ticket. Joe & Tom already had tickets and they were going. I decided to saddle up and go with them anyway, if I couldn’t get in then c’est la vie. There’re always plenty of people hanging out and I knew I’d find a good time amongst them. I packed up some face paints, we loaded up Joe’s beetle with beer, rolled a few for the show and away we went. As we rolled into the parking lot I leaned out of the car holding up my “I need a ticket” sign high & proud. Two guys that were just walking by approached the car and asked who the ticket was for. I told them it was for me, much to my surprise and rapture they said, “here ya go honey, no charge.” Man I was shrieking with delight, I was in baby! I was so sure I wouldn’t be getting in, last night and all that I didn’t even wear shoes. So here I am, no shoes and a bag full of face paints, but I had a ticket! To show our appreciation we sparked up the first joint of the night with my heroes, I never did get their names. We passed beers around to everyone and the party before the show had officially begun. They stayed with us for a little while then moved on saying they had to meet up with some friends. The parking lot was alive with music, people were partying and dancing everywhere. Before we knew it a dozen or more people had joined us at Joe’s beetle we were all laughing and drinking beers, joints were passed and someone had a whip it balloon that was being filled and passed through the small crowd. I started talking to a chick named Rachael who informed me that her group had driven out from California for the show. I was so envious, I told her that driving across the country was one of my dreams. Then this angel handed me a quaalude, a rare sight since they had recently been taken off the market. I popped it with much gratitude and handed her another beer. It was getting close to door time and we would be heading in soon. The beers inside would be expensive, money we just didn’t have so we tried to down as many as we could before going in.

We finally started wandering toward the doors there was a huge crowd just starting to file into the venue, we lost Rachael and her brood in the process. Once inside we decided to separate since my seat was no where near theirs and we resolved on a place to meet up after the show. The miracle ticket I received was for a seat somewhere up in the nosebleed section so I decided that I would just wander about for the night and paint faces. So as Joe and Tom went off on their merry way, I proceeded to find a spot to set up my face painting. Not that there was much set up required, everything I had was crammed into one little baggy. Now if you’ve never been to a Dead show, you just wouldn’t understand why people say, “there’s nothing like a Dead show”. If you have been then you would know exactly what I’m talking about. I can honestly tell you that I have never been to a show that matched the mood and ambiance of any Dead show that I have ever attended. I’ve been to Phish, Rusted Root, Hot Tuna and any number of bands that claim the same crowd. The people may be the same but the mood just doesn’t quite capture the magic that was always present when the Grateful Dead were taking the stage. This night was no different, that special magic was all around, people were dancing throughout the place. Laughter and smiles filled the air intermingled with the sweet scent of patchouli and good herb. I no sooner had my paints out when the first person approached me to ask what I was doing. I said I was painting faces so this lanky bearded gent asked if he could be the first. He plopped down in front of me and I turned his generous beard into a rainbow of colors, he thanked me with a kiss on the forehead and skipped off merrily into the masses. This had attracted a small crowd and the next thing I knew I had at least half a dozen people waiting while I painted face after face succumbing to the gentle wave of the quaalude that Rachael had given me as it washed over me so sweetly. I wanted no money for my painting, I do it purely for my own pleasure. I did receive many gifts in trade for my services, even though I contended that it wasn’t necessary for them to give me anything. Some folks just insisted on giving me things. I left that show with 6 or 7 t shirts, a ton of hemp jewelry, bumper stickers and enough drugs to keep me wasted til the end of the year. Well, more than enough to keep me set for the next 3 days before I left anyway. One guy gave me 8 hits of Gold Medallion blotter 2 of which I immediately rested on my tongue, I stashed away the rest for another time. I later had 4 of these hits mailed to me in Japan concealed under stamps, but that’s another story.

We knew the band had hit the stage when we heard the roar of the crowd so we filed into the alcove to see what was going on. If memory serves me I believe they opened with Alabama Getaway. The entire arena was a sea of bobbing heads and twirling bodies. I stayed in that alcove dancing for some time, I can’t say how long I was there but at some point the blotter had kicked in and I was riding the trip. The music lulled down with a remarkable version of Crazy Fingers, I was just floating along with it when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Rachael, she introduced me to Mike who was part of her group from California and they wanted to know if I would paint their faces. I agreed warning them that in my present state of mind I couldn’t be responsible for the quality of my work. We laughed and planted ourselves on the floor just outside of the alcove I had been dancing in. I offered them doses of the gold medallion but they respectfully declined saying that they had already hooked up with the electric strawberry fairy from the night before and were feeling quite happy at the moment. I dove into painting straight off, there is something so wonderful about painting on acid. It’s like the paints become a direct extension of my soul or something like that. Again people started to gather and I found myself painting face after face while Rachael, Mike and I got better acquainted. They told me of their adventures on the drive to Rhode Island, I was fascinated with their stories. They were living one of my dreams, it was amazing. They told me they had tickets for all the shows from here to Sacramento, Ca and they were going to follow the Dead back to California. Then Mike proceeds to tell me that one of their friends had to back out of the trip and they have an extra set of tickets. He tells me that they want me to come with them. Man, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I couldn’t believe it, here I was getting ready to depart for Japan in just 3 days and now these sensational people step into my life and hand me one of my dreams on a silver platter. Holy shit! Now as I said in the beginning of this story it took 6 months of fighting with the navy and a letter to my senator to get me my travelling papers. My husband was awaiting my arrival in Japan, could I just put that all aside and take off with these beautiful strangers. I gotta tell you, I actually thought about it. I mean really thought hard too but in the end I had to decline. No regrets, my hubby and I didn’t last but I did leave Japan with my beautiful baby boy and a whole lot of new adventures to tell. I never did see Rachael or Mike again after that night but I will be forever grateful to them for their generous offer. I was still awestruck when I met back up with Joe & Tom. As we relayed our adventures of the night they told me I was crazy for turning down such a phenomenal offer. The next day the news did a spread on the show and talked to many people with painted faces, it made me happy to know that I was responsible for that. I will never forget that magical night even though at the time I didn’t know that it would be my last Dead show. Jerry died just 10 years later, regretfully I never saw him play again.
Wow, what a great review and a nice surprise to wake up to! I've never been a fan of this kind of music and until reading your review I had no sense of what these shows were like. You paint an interesting picture of the ambiance. The funniest thing about your review is that you never mention the performance! Does anyone pay attention to the music at a Dead concert?
Okay, here's the sentence that made me laugh,
"I was so sure I wouldn’t be getting in, last night and all that I didn’t even wear shoes."
I mean, what kind of reasoning is that? If you were unable to procure a ticket were you going to sit in the car all night long? Why no shoes? I'm fascinated by this. did you not anticipate that you would need them on the off chance you would leave your vehicle? Weren't you fearful of stepping in something gross?
Haha, too funny. I just hate wearing shoes, they're a necessary burden is all and I figured the weather was warm and I'll be hanging out outside all night so why bother wearing any.
As for the performance. The music is like the glue that holds everything together. So whether you're watching the band, dancing or hanging with friends it's always there setting the mood. They never promoted a particular album and they had so many songs you just never knew what they were going to play so each tune was a pleasant surprise.
cat, what a beautiful post! i'm amazed with your ability to remember the specifics of a show so very long ago, when you were so very chemically enhanced.
my coolest friends in high school were my intro to the music of the grateful dead, and i resisted many a free ticket to go see them back then; though i liked the music fine, i was skeptical of the whole scene. by college i was listening to their music a lot and finally got swept into going to shows regularly when they toured. it was the eighties and i will say the shows could be hit-or-miss, but the scene and (usually) the music were transporting. i didn't do drugs or drink at shows (proving again that ac stands for "ain't cool") but i almost always had a phenomenal time. i am very psyched for april.
I need to find an older photo of my father but that picture of Bob Weir could be my father's twin brother.
looking again at that first photo reminded me that the grateful dead went through keyboardists like spinal tap went through drummers.
Wow, great story, Cat! I went to my one and only Dead show in 1995 in Highgate VT. I was 16 yrs old and just newly acquainted with the Dead. Dylan opened for this show, but somehow I vaguely remember him playing. I had a fainting spell among other things, which accounted for some of my lost time. Jerry wasn't playing so well, but I still loved the scene and had no other show to compare it to. My friends and I decided at that moment that after we graduated we would buy a VW bus (there was a guy down the street from us that was always buying and repairing them), and we would go on tour. Unfortunately, Jerry was dead a couple months later. Instead I later went on tour with Phish for part of a summer with my dread head boyfriend. This is definitely up there as one of my best experiences. I don't know how people go on tour for their entire lives, but it was cool for one summer and something I'll never forget. It was the freest I've ever felt, and I never wanted it to end. Unfortunately, the fun eventually did end with my boyfriend getting arrested and me being abandoned at a truck stop in Maine, but that's a story for a different day.
The one thing I'm still pissed off about is that someone stole my Dead ticket stub, well actually whole ticket since the gates were stromed and no ticket was needed for entry. Years later someone took it from my bedroom. Who does that?
Nice retelling Catfreek, you crazy sonovabitch! I go through Dead phases though I admittedly have had one in a while. Perhaps I'm due? I always loved Shakedown Street though...
Whirlygirl - I was supposed to go that Highgate show but crapped out for no good reason. My friend Jay told me that at that very show, a portojohn was tipped over and a hippie emerged screaming, traumatized and covered in shit! Fucking A, I love that story.
Jeez, I really need to get in the habit of proofreading my comments! Totally unacceptable...
AC~ I've seen the Dead both "enlightened" and stone cold sober and found the experience no less magical either way. So AC stands for Amazingly Cool in my book ;)
Whirly~You'll definitely have to share some Phish tour stories in the future, sounds like an amazing experience. My brother's friend followed the Dead consistently for about 20 years. He would stop where he was when he ran out of cash and work just long enough to be able to go back out on the road. He gave me some unbelievable bootleg tapes.
Also, I hope the person who stole your ticket gets a nasty toe fungus but just remember, they can't steal your memories :)
JSP~That's my favorite Jay story too, hahaha
JPX made me laugh with the shoe thing. Cat, I know what you mean about being shoeless. I never used to wear shoes when I was a kid, and my mom who now is so far from being germophobic used to tell me, that is now germophobic, that I would catch a disease or cut my feet open. Neither ever happened. When I grew up I began wearing shoes, but they started coming off again at shows until I became afraid of germs. I have retained my shoes up until the summer before last when I went to the Gathering of the Vibes, performing there was Bob Weir and Ratdog, Keller Williams, Strange Folk, Assembly of Dust, Les Claypool, etc. I had a bit to drink and reverted to my old ways. The next day I wanted to die when I realized the things I must have stepped in. What I’m about to tell you is foul, and made me contemplate amputating my feet. Who likes to use porta johns, no one, they’re gross, and as JSP mentioned sometimes they get tipped and you get covered in shit. Going out in the woods is preferable to most. A lot of people agreed and went to the woods, including me with bare feet. I don’t even want to think about how many different peoples urine I stepped in. JPX, don’t judge me, but I know you will.
One more shoe story. I was at a Phish show in PA, maybe. I didn’t have a ticket to this show and made friends with a guy who also needed a ticket. Him and I attempted and almost successfully snuck in a number of times. Eventually he scored a ticket, but couldn’t get in because he didn’t have any shoes. I however did because I would always bring them and then ditch them later. He had a ticket and I didn’t so I gave him mine so at least one of us could get in. Of course moments later I got a ticket, but I didn’t have any shoes, so then I had to borrow some from someone. Surprisingly the show ended and somehow we all found each other and exchanged shoes.
johnny, your comment was not only ungrammatical but also highly insensitive. what if whirly had been that screaming, traumatized, covered in shit hippie?
cat, thanks for the reassurance about my "sober" concertgoing ways. in fact i have so much fun at dead shows that people tend to ask me what i'm on and whether they can have any.
whirly, your philly shoe/ticket karma was unbelievable. if the dead weren't playing this spring i was contemplating the gathering of the vibes this summer to get a little hippie music injection... other than the portajohn issue, which i grant is a real negative, how is that festival?
If anyone is ever looking for any Dead shows here are couple of sites:
This site has over 6,000 Dead shows, some you can download others you can’t. Typically I don’t download them and just listen to them from the site, which is what I’m doing at the moment. Right now I’m listening to the Dead at the Hampton Coliseum on 10/9/89.
They don’t have 6,000 Dead shows, but they do have a lot. I think everything can be downloaded.
Both sites have many more bands than just the Dead.
AC, Gathering of the Vibes was a blast. Depending on who is playing, I’m may be interested in going this summer.
Whirly & AC I may also be interested in Vibes depending on who's playing of course.
Great shoe stories btw and I never worried about what I was stepping in back then I always just figured I could wash my feet after. Although stepping down into something that squishes between my toes always grosses me out.
A funny concert story: My friend & I went to see Journey because we got free tickets from a friend who worked at JB105. These obnoxious drunk jerks kept bothering us in the line and as luck would have it they ended up in the seats right in front of us. Well before the show started one of the jerks was sitting on the cement steps near out seats (the Civic Center) He was swaying with his head between his knees. Suddenly he started to roll down the steps but he was puking all over himself the whole time. He was okay from the fall but he had to spend the night covered in vomit, served him right and we laughed our asses off.
But I thought that Journey totally sucks big time?
They do, it was one of the worst concerts I've ever been to.
I love you guys.
Love the review and the comments made me laugh out loud!
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