Thursday, August 31, 2006

Optimus Has A Really Big...Gun!!

From AICN, "The infamous tfw2005 message boards have turned up a picture of Optimus Prime (as seen in the new TRANSFORMERS movie) totin’ a big ass gun."

"infamous tfw2005 message boards"? wtf?


Octopunk said...

As these images leak out, and JPX's Transformers obsession catches each one, I'm starting to wonder if these super-complicated 'bot bodies we're seeing aren't in the end going to look like a bunch of CG crap.

I'm not an enemy of CG, so I expect you know what I mean. Just getting a feeling.

JPX said...

I hate the Transformers!

Octopunk said...

Suuuuuure you do. That's why there's been a Transformers post every day for the past three days.

Robophile. You probably write "Mrs. Optimus Prime" on all your notebook covers.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I admit, I have high hopes for this movie. But to be frank here, that's all JPX ever talks about! Here's a sample telephone conversation:

ME: Hey, JPX, what's new?

JPX: Transformer movie.

Me: That's cool, did you hear that mom and dad are planning on selling their house?

JPX: That reminds me of the upcoming Transformer movie!

Me: Hmm... oh yeah, I'm glad to hear that grandma won her nursing home's annual Scrabble tournament!

JPX: Sounds like something the upcoming Transformers movie would do!

Me: ...yeah, but -



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