From slashfilm, spoilerTv has the first photos from the Rio de Janeiro set of Sylvester Stallone’s The Expendables. On Twitter, Stallone explained that he “had to chase a seaplane along a pier and jump inside which was like running headlong into hurricane Katrina.” The actor/director met with select Brazilian press before production began, and offered this insight into what the film is about:
“It’s a 1980s movie with today’s technology,” Stallone told Collider. “But in those days, the female leading character was a helpless girl, waiting to be rescued by the hero. Now we have a very strong female character that evolved to this form while I was writing the script. But except for this, yes, it’s a 1980s movie.”
[JPX] The Expendables boasts an amazing action cast including,
Jason Statham
Mickey Rourke
Sylvester Stallone
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Charisma Carpenter
Jet Li
Dolph Lundgren
Eric Roberts
Danny Trejo
Terry Crews
Steve Austin
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