I passed the qualifying round pretty easily, but at the end of the first day of voting during lap 1 I'm in fourth place, i.e. no-prize-for-me place. The way they're doing it is running three rounds of voting, played out as laps. The best three totals after all three laps are the winnahs. Each lap is meant to be judged on a specific element of the prize (lap one being best-built), so if they've got "best theme representation" or "most monkeys" I should be good.
Sigh. I thought Pirates would be a great theme to please the voting crowd, but I kind of based my notions of what's popular in the Lego online community on the pro-pirate mood at The Brothers Brick, my favorite Lego blog. But I'm afraid the members of From Bricks to Bothans are a sci-fyier bunch.
Anyway, they've frozen the new member apparatus so I'm not asking anyone to vote for me. Just keeping you abreast of the excitement. You can check the ongoing results here (I'm # 5).
I love your pirate pod racer, what a great idea! Don't sweat it if you're not a contender, you're a winner with us, pal (wink)!
BOO on them! Pirates totally rule!
I'm suspicious that it's rigged if they're no longer allowing new members to vote. Yours is clearly the best though. A lot of the others are hiding their mediocrity behind photoshopped backgrounds. There should be a rule against that.
#1 and #3?! WTF? 1 looks like a painted block, and 3 is just too fuckin' cutesy.
I think the Pirate-Pod looks badass, and haven't the "sci-fyier's" seen Firefly or Star Wars? If Han Solo and the Firefly crew ain't pirates, what are they?
I've said it before...your involvement in all of this makes me smile...who else gets to do as an adult, the stuff they loved as a kid? Cool.
That ipod one is winning? When I was going through, that was the one I liked least--all gimmick, no substance.
You guys are idiots, that contest was about the Best Built Podracer.
Yours was good Octo, but honestly, not even 5th place good. There were other, more deserving pods that you beat, stop whining and be happy you placed where you did.
Also, I think closing off registration was a smart move. Sure it meant I didn't get to vote, but it also means members couldn't ask all their friends to join and vote for them. It's happened before.
As for the Photoshop BS, damn near all of the entry pictures hadn't used PS, they just shot their model against a plain background.
And, last thing, Han was a smugler, and FBTB's main focus is Star Wars. Sure Pirates is cool, but to those guys Star Wars will, undoubtedly, and almost always reign supreme.
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