Thursday, August 03, 2006

The return of Blue Boy

The Grudge 2 Trailer

Eight weeks until Horrothon 2006...


Octopunk said...

You know, I reviewed The Grudge positively because I want the Asian horror vibe to be felt in this country, but looking at that trailer, it's the same old American chop suey. Rapid jump cuts, the little boy with the loud scary "meow!", and hair, hair, hair until the gag just isn't working the same way. Again! Will we ever learn? Take it sloooow...let it creeep up...

Still, I'm sure I'll see it. Especially since my new roommate works at the theater.

JPX said...

JUON worked because it was gritty and muddy looking and the scares weren't telegraphed 5 minutes before the occured. It's surprising that Takashi Shimizu, who directed the original Japanese version, fell into the Hollywood trap of horror. To really see the difference between subtle and obvious horror look no further than Ring and Ring 2. The over- use of subtle creepy imagry is the quickest way to deflate the impact of said images.

I also hate CG in horror.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...