Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday mornings used to be awesome

From plaidstallions, This brings back memories as to how much channel flipping I did back in the day and why I never saw certain shows.

We'd start the day with "Speed Buggy", then segway into "Scooby Doo", flipping over to "Hong Kong Phooey" for 9 then my sister would overpower me and watch "Run, Joe, Run" at 9:30 because it had a dog in it. I hated "Run, Joe, Run" with a passion but she was bigger than me.

That would run into "Land of the Lost" and then we'd hop to "Shazam". If we'd already seen "The Superfriends" we'd watch Harlem Globetrotters and Hudson Brothers. I used to actually like "These are the days" but I havem't seen it in years, we rarely got to see "Fat Albert" because by that time ,our parents would boot us out of the house.
I tried explaining Saturday Morning to my four year old, he didn't seem to grasp the concept that only having one day of cartoons (and Sunday reruns) was somehow better than his current "on Demand" channel of Cartoons and DVDs. Dammit, they were special!


Landshark said...

1) What year is that from? I'm gonna guess '75 or so...just before my prime viewing years. Never heard of Partridge 2200 AD. Sounds sucky.

2) Who started watching at 8am? Losers, that's who. The Hanna Barbera shows started at 7am. And even before that, I'd be on the floor watching some old lady go over math problems.

3) Waiting ALL FREAKING MORNING for the Superfriends was hell.

AC said...

i remeber most of those shows. good frakking times.

JPX said...

God, I can remember waking up at 5am to watch Davy and Goliath on Sundays. I never realized that the Lutheran church was attempting to shove religion down my throat.

Catfreeek said...

JPX, Davey & Goliath! I was there too, also does anyone remember Barbapapa? That was another of those 5am toons. I recently watched a couple episodes on YouTube.

Some other ones I remember:
Shazam, Isis, H.R. Puffnstuff, Lidsville & the Banana Splits

Catfreeek said...

I should mention that my cartoon day ended when my brother would come down the stairs singing too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra followed by picking me up and body slamming me before changing to channel 56 to watch wrestling.

(I just noticed that you had already mentioned Shazam, oops)

Octopunk said...

All week long I'd drag my ass out of bed when it was time for school, but on Saturdays I'd set the alarm to get going by 8 a.m. For me the cartoon sun that the others orbited was the 90 minutes of old Warner Brothers cartoons that they'd show.

"Overture, turn the lights!..."

AC said...

i'm with you octo. warner bros cartoons were the best.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...