In the last four months, I've gone from Old Man That Couldn't Possibly Care ("Lady Gaga? Why should I even give half a shit about her?") to New Hip Man That Thinks She's Great. Due in large part to Octo's latest post about "Bad Romance." I'll be damned if it wasn't the catcheist thing I've heard in forever, but also that, in examining her larger body of work, I was floored by the fact that this is the kind of shit I wanted to see pop culture doing 10 years ago with the advent of the millennium. Let's hear how things are going to sound in the future, fucktards.
[As a sidebar, I was mistakenly misled by about two hours when I first heard Orgy's cover of "Blue Monday." It sounded familiar, but yet fresh and new, and I remember thinking, YES - future music! Finally it's here! Sadly, it turned out that the band was dogshit, and that it was just a crappy cover.]
I just downloaded all her shit (as well as Fear Factory's new album - gritty industrial heavy speed metal, and I see no contradiction in this), and I'll be goddamned if she isn't doing some seriously awesome great pop stuff, which I happen to find seriously catchy.
Madonna is rolling over in her Botox grave, thankful that her mantle is passed to Lady Gaga, and not Britney "5 kids and I'm fat-not-fat-oh-shit-I'm-fat-again-and-I've-had-some-kids" Spears.
Well-delivered, Octo. And in no way am I ashamed to say that Lady Gaga's songs are in my iPod mix.
Along with Fear Factory. Which shreds.

As I said before, I'd totally do her. The whole hermaphrodite thing is total bullshit.
If you took a pop music fan in 1985, and time-travelled him/her to 2010, and said, ""This is the future as far as pop music goes," I think he/she would pretty much, on viewing Lady Gaga, say, "Yep, that totally makes sense."
Stressing that I was looking for this sort of thing in 2000, not only in pop music, but in rock 'n' roll, and still, across the board. Rock (and people in general) has yet to deliver.
Ga's Ga's music doesn't grab me but I'm very impressed with her videos! These are quite possibly the best music videos I've ever seen.
I'm not a fan of pop music. Though I have not been moved to download any of her stuff I don't mind hearing her at a club or on the radio at work. I find her songs catchy and strangely alluring. I agree with Stan that this is that future sound and I also agree with JPX her videos are phenomenal.
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