Friday, March 19, 2010

You know what's a good word? Magma

I'm just sitting here typing in SKU numbers for a huge order of hair product (new temp job, more on that later), and the particular batch of products I'm entering are part of a line called Magma.

Say it, won't you? Magma. Mag. Ma. Lava, but before it comes out of the ground. Awesome word.

My old favorite word was "counterintuitive." These days it has been replaced by "festooned." If I get tired of that one, I think "magma" is a likely contender.

How about you, 'thonners? Favorite words? Help me out, I'm doing data entry over here.


JPX said...

I dog the word "dysthymic" and for some reason I've always liked the word "quart" Why? Beats me

JPX said...

I meant "dig" of course.

Octopunk said...

I've heard you say "dysthymic" many times. It's handy.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Hmmm. Let me think about this and get back to you.

All I know is that my favorite insult at the moment is "penis wrinkle" because what's more useless than that?

HandsomeStan said...


In fact, any time a word has an unexpected "-ery" added to it, I love it.


HandsomeStannery. (an Octo original)

And so on.

Get back to work, Octo!

Octopunk said...

That's a good one! I recall a time when Landshark was obsessed with both the word "pagan" and sticking "-age" on the end of everything (this was back when we were all in high school and that was still a fresh idea). One day I heard him sitting at his desk, cracking himself up saying "paganage" over and over.

Thanks for the nod, Stannery. Forgot about that one.

Catfreeek said...

I like "gelatinous" surprisingly it describes a large number items, mostly in a not so pleasant way.
As in:

I left my gummy bears in a hot car all day. Now they have fused together into a huge gelatinous blob.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...