From slashfilm, You’ve probably read Madeleine L’Engle’s young adult novel A Wrinkle in Time. You might also have seen the 2004 TV adaptation which, as L’Engle reviewed, really wasn’t very good at all. Now a group is having a go at a feature adaptation, spearheaded by producer Cary Granat. (Who, you may recall, is also behind the 3D adaptation of the Book of Genesis we recently covered.)
Can a feature version of L’Engle’s story work?
THR reports that Granat and his new Bedrock Studios are putting together the film, and so far they’ve hired screenwriter Jeff Stockwell to write. Granat has been part of adaptations like this before, as he was a player at Walden Media when the first Narnia movies were being made.
This is part of Bedrock’s plan to produce franchise-able features for $35m and under. (Which is why that Biblical adaptation In the Beginning is being made for $30m as well.) Also in development are an adaptation of novels such as The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and Eiko Kadono’s Kiki’s Delivery Service. The latter was previously made into a ho-hum cartoon by some guy named Hayao Miyazaki, so that’s totally ripe for a new version. (Please read that last sentence with as much sarcasm as possible. Or, to clarify, yes, I know that Miyazaki’s version is great.)
Never saw the 2004 TV version, but the story could be spectacular if brought to the big screen. She blew Harry Potter young adult shit out of the water early on.
Constructing a 3-D version of the 4th dimension? That's what the father and son do in Wrinkle. And something i tried to create in metal shop, and something I drew many times over: the cube cubed.
I can't wait to see what they do with the disembodied brain "It" that controls everything at the end...
If I saw It I would stick a big pair of googly eyes on it.
I loved this book when I was a kid and read it many times. Re-reading as an adult, I was surprised how New-Agey it is.
Never saw the 2004 version either. Now I'm curious.
I can't tell you how much I like the idea of Stan trying to crack the 4th dimension in metal shop. They would've had to add a new safety poster after you pulled that one off, one of a "PED XING" style generic human flapping his arms in alarm because he just opened a wormhole over the drill press.
This is what I was trying to build. Could never get the hang of that dang soldering iron, though. A trippier version that you can stare at for hours here.
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