Since JPX is mysteriously absent, I'm cranking out some cheap blog product.
As Jordan mentioned in the last TBTBT post: Michael Whelan, dudes! Master of the sci-fi painting and big champion of Big Things Back There. When I google him I see a lot of stuff I've never seen before (like the image above, chosen for its TBTBTness). So I guess he's kept himself busy.

One of my personal experiences with his work are the covers for the Edgar Rice Burroughs "John Carter of Mars" series. This is book #4,
Thuvia, Maid of Mars. This was a wrap-around cover, featuring a nice Martian city as the back cover Big Thing.

As you can see, he's also good at big things right up in your face. This is one of his I discovered on line a few years ago; it subverts the whole Big Thing Back There thing, but I dig it.
I'm not mysteriously absent, I just haven't been able to find any good stuff to post! These pictures continue to blow me away. Growing up I recall Octo showing me many similar pictures in his vast library of cool, weird books that seem to have come from another dimension.
Yes, my "space books." Anthologies of just the kind of art we've been talking about. Someday I'll do a post about them.
If scanning pages from inside large-format books wasn't such a pain in the ass, I'd already be up to "That Big Thing Back There 12" what with all the stuff in the large-format sci-fi anthology books I've got. Anyway, I'm glad this is continuing...I'll have more to say a little bit later on in the broadcast.
GUY: Oh miss? Miss? I was wondering if you could help me. I'm looking for That Big Thing.
SCI-FI COVER CHICK: Which Big Thing would that be?
GUY: Well, it's big, sort of spiny, got lots of crazy contraption-y things all over it...
SCI-FI COVER CHICK: You mean That Big Thing Back There?
GUY: Ah! There it is! Thanks so much! Love your cats...
For the record, I LOVE TBTBT. I had no idea I was a fan of it until these pots.
Bless you guys. Not in any kind of Jesus way, but in the vibrational universe way. Which is the same thing, if the fucks really analyzed it.
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