From slashfilm, Fred Dekker’s 1987 movie The Monster Squad, written by Dekker and Shane Black, is a film that couldn’t be made today. Not because it was groundbreaking, but because it has a blend of enthusiastic naivite, fun effects, and young actors that don’t look like they were cloned from the same attractive DNA and grown in a vat hidden in Santa Monica.
Which means, of course, that a remake is happening. Almost two years ago Rob Cohen, who produced the original, mentioned that the rights to the film were back at Paramount and that he was working on a deal with the studio to produce a remake. We haven’t heard anything since then, but now a company is indeed working with Cohen on the remake: Michael Bay’s Platinum Dunes.
For no particular reason, here's the trailer for the original,
Well, as long as they leave in my favorite line...
"My name" (click-chak of shotgun) "is Horace."
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