Anyhow, my dad sends me these forward emails, as I'm sure your dads all do, many of which I skim through, or ignore completely (if it's got a powerpoint file, it goes directly to the trash). But today he sent me this email entitled "Fun Sporting Events" and some of the pics were pretty funny. If I'd had any of these while i was writing my Day of the Animals review, I'd have included them for sure.
That last one brought tears to my eyes.

Ha! Those are great. In New Jersey there's a Six Flags park called Great Adventure that had a drive-through safari next to it. You could see all the animals and then ditch the scene before Baboonland if you had a vinyl roof. When our cousins went there, the car in front of them did not heed the warning and my cousins got to watch the primates tear the roof to shreds. The luggage roof-rack is an even funnier version of things. Suckas!
That last pic is great but I think there's some photoshopping going on. They tipped their hand with the red-eyed monsta bird in the foreground.
yeah, on closer inspection, the light is inconsistent from bird to bird. still, the immediate reaction is good.
part of me wants a bloodthirsty bird-scream coming from the gull in the foreground, but part of me wants it to be saying "heyyyy!"
it's the part of me that loved this video.
I love the woman in the cars look of horror as she watches the monkeys rifling through her personal belongings.
Great post.
You have been greatly missed, and that post and that video are an eloquent expression of why.
I'm STILL wiping tears from my eyes from that goddamn video.
The pterodactyl that clears his throat. Oh my lord.
Welcome back, 50!
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