Friday, June 04, 2010

Worst Superhero Ever


Catfreeek said...

His arm socket looks like a big butthole.

50PageMcGee said...

it'd have been bad enough if it were just his horrific and stupid power, but seriously -- Arm-Fall-Off-Boy?! that's the worst name for a Power i've ever heard. why not the Detacher, or Detach-or, or D-tach, or hell -- this preceded He-man, why not call himself Man-at-Arms?

it's okay to name yourself after your power -- that's what Invisible Girl, the Human Torch, and Spider-Man did. but those are cool names. If Johnny Storm had called himself Body-Lights-on-Fire-and-I-Can-Fly-Also Man, he'd only ever get looks of disdain, and then never get a real scrap going.

Catfreeek said...

Hahahahaha! "Body-Lights-on-Fire-and-I-Can-Fly-Also Man" - great stuff Fitty!

50PageMcGee said...

and could the writers have come up with a more disgusting onomatopoeia than "PLORP" for the sound his arm makes when it comes out of its socket?


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