Monday, September 24, 2007

The Johnny Sweatpants Plan of Horrorthomination

I wasn't going to discuss my plan of attack but in light of I'mNotMarc & Octo's recent posts, I will reveal the following:

My plan for 2007 is to win by any means necessary. As Roy from A Very Brady Sequel once advised Peter - "Lie, cheat, steal or kill". Once I have secured victory, I shall then look down on my peers with utter contempt. I shall remind anyone who will listen as often as I see fit,on a daily basis at first. Once that starts to get old, I'll search for clever new ways to work it into the conversation no less than once a month.

As for the movies I plan on watching, I got nothing. I should probably start thinking about that...



DKC said...

Awesome picture! Shirt looks great!I don't have mine yet, did Lauren get a chick one? I'm kind of partial to the baseball T.

50PageMcGee said...

oh, roy said that?

you mean the guy whose ass the bradys kicked at the end? maybe you're thinking of another tim matheson role; like his role in Magnum Force in which he got his ass kicked by clint eastwood.

or maybe his role in west wing in which he was, not president, but vice president to martin sheen's president.

you could also have been thinking of Fletch in which he lost to chevy chase and that chick with the huge face and no tits.

50PageMcGee said...

i really shouldn't be the one talking all this shit.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

DCD - Yeah, Lauren got the baseball tee and she loves it (because I told her to love it).

Marc - Hmmm. I see your point and I don't like it one bit... I suppose I was asking for a verbal beat-down after quoting a guy who was literally knocked out by Mr. Brady. OUCH!

Hey, while we're playing the yay/nay game, what about the Resident Evils? I only ask because it's playing at the drive-in.

JPX said...

I think Resident Evil counts if for no other reason but because the word "Evil" is in the title.

I know, I know, Touch of Evil right, Jordan?

JPX said...

I just ordered my shirt, woo-hoo!

Octopunk said...

Resident Evil totally counts, it's got zombies!

It's on, Mr. Pants. Gird your pants for a fight.

(We'll see how I actually do. I'm way busier now than any previous year.)

But that won't stop me from the trash talk! I believe JSP hasn't won one since I came on board, isn't that true? Burn!


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...