Jake's school is having their Open House on Tuesday, the 16th! Dammit! The same night as the Dandy's concert. Desroc and I are having guilt over not attending because after all, it is Kindergarten. But then on the other hand, it is only Kindergarten - so there will be lots more of these things, right?
I think I'm mostly worried that Jake will be bummed if they are doing a bunch of preparations in class. Ugh. A little help?
Jake won't even think about this the next day - you're going to the Dandys!
It's just kindergarten! The only thing I remember about kindergarten is that I was in charge of playing with a deaf kid.
dcd and desroc, it is totally your call and i personally will respect whatever decision you make. i'd love for you to see the dandy warhols but i also will understand if you choose the open house. poor dcd, you will have to face your fear-of-missing-out either way!
that said, i vote you come to the concert. the dandy warhols very rarely tour; they last visited the east coast in 2005; they are something else live; and as jpx (a father himself) noted, it's just kindergarten.
looking forward to other peoples' opinions on this one- maybe a hotly contested debate even? it's been a while since we had a good'un.
Skip it, and just send a note to the teacher. If you're bummed about not getting to see/experience the classroom, you could probably schedule an hour to go in and hang out on one of your mornings off.
This is a huge DILEMMA. I don't have kids so I don't even know what to say. I can tell you that my parents rarely attended my open houses and I never held it against them.
I think you should ask Jake.
If he is doing a bunch of work with the other kids in preparation, and all the other 'rents show, it might be a big deal to him. (He WON’T hold it against you forever, but it could be a big deal now.)
On the other hand, he may not care at all. OR, he may be OK with only one of you being there, and you get to make a different fun decision.
My two cents. (But what the hell do I know? I have to keep Max from eating dog food at least three times a day, so I ain't raising no geniuses...)
Ehhhhhhhhhh... concert.
Does Jake have a grandparent living nearby? If so, I would send Gramma to the open house & have her take pictures for you. Just a possible solution. If not, go to the Dandy's anyway and don't feel guilty cause there will be plenty more of these things in the future.
My kids are 20 & 16 now so remembering those kindergarten days are a long way back. I do remember that those things are total mayhem, kids running all over the place being noisy & parents looking confused.
what time is the open house? if you don't come up crazy early to boston, can you hit the open house and then drive up? you might miss one of the opening bands but you'd still see the dandys....
Thanks for the input everyone! I did send a note to the teacher and she said the kids just kind of show us around the classroom - nothing formal.
We are pretty much leaning towards concert. I think I will let Jake know we won't be able to go ahead of time (good one, miko) so at least he will be prepared.
Yay, Dandys!
I agree with Whirlygirl that you should totally get high and see the Dandy Warhols do their thang. If Jake gives you a guilt trip you can always beat him in the head with a spoon or, you know, a frying pan.
Why not just take a "tour" of his classroom when you pick him up for school one day? Have him show you his desk, art work, etc. He'll be thrilled to give you the exclusive VIP experience. Don't give up an awesome concert for a 5-minute open house. There will be PLENTY of things to attend at the school over the years.
Or, you could flip a coin and one of you can go to the show while the other attends his open house.
dcd, just let us know either way before next tuesday! yay dandys!
Those are the precious moments... They don't come back again.
Ah, it's too late, but I totally vote open house and I can't believe Octo went for the concert!
But hey, maybe I'll feel different in five years. Right now I am just obsessed with my boy. He can lift his head and I think he's a rock star.
Nah,the open house ends up being a whole lotta nothing. You walk in, see the desk, say "hi" to the teacher, and then call it a night. Also, there will be like 65 more opportunities to visit the school for other events during the year.
Uh oh. I bet Julie's giving Octo the business...
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