Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Catfreeek Movie

(2005) ***

In between watching two of the seven horror movies I watched since waking up this morning, I decided to take a look at this little-known but awesome film from Czechoslovakia, in which zombie mutant vampire zombie killers ravage a deserted WWII asylum filled with vampire-blood-infected Nazi-victim werewolves who are out for revenge against the town that shunned them. The entire movie is filled with so much blood and gore that the plot is given short shrift but there is a brief sequence involving a boomerang, six butcher knives and a decapitated virgin prom queen vampire that's especially excellent. It's only ninety minutes long so I was able to fully enjoy it and have time for a smoked turkey sandwich and some iced coffee before returning to the daunting task of watching and reviewing 700 obscure-but-brilliant horror movies before the end of the day.


Landshark said...

Ha! I was about to comment, "Wow, that review reads like parody," and then I saw the title of the movie!

Catfreeek said...

Hahaha!! I love it! That second picture is so disturbing, please tell me those aren't cat skulls.

Jordan said...

I hope she understands that it's affectionate parody!

Jordan said...

I'm not sure what they are; I just did a Google Image search for "butcher meat blood"

Jordan said...

I think it's cattle, from a Japanese market. I went back and looked at the page; the author was writing about Western vs. Eastern supermarkets and how the Western versions sanitize the presentation of meat so that you don't have to think about where it comes from.

Catfreeek said...

To be fair I'm sure JPX is ahead of me right now he's just sitting on his reviews to make me crazy.

On second glance they look like dog skulls, eeew.

DKC said...

Love it! Especially the bit about the turkey sandwich.

Octopunk said...

Commenting on this late: Love the skull picture, and I love "decapitated virgin prom queen vampire." That would be my band's next album if I had a band.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...