Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Julie's Short Online!

Here it is, folks. I can't watch it at work, but I hope you enjoy it.


Octopunk said...

Hee hee hee! Ha!

The best part (for me) is that the whole "viruses don't murder" line was something I actually said.

Congratulations, Julie. You're officially the only one of us who has actually made a horror movie during Horrorthon.

Catfreeek said...

Yay Julie! Love it!! Congratulations!!

AC said...

awesome, julie! congratulations!

anyone who checks this out, make sure to watch (or listen) until the very end of the credits. heh.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Yowza Julie - that's some seriously awesome shit!

Remind me never to get on your bad side...

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Seriously Julie, I'm proud to know you.

(Psst - Octo are you sure she's not subtly telling you to stay in line? Sleep with one eye open, that's all I'm saying. And if I were you I'd apologize for that "viruses don't murder" bit, seriously.)

Octopunk said...

No way, dude! We turn our arguments into art.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Sure, first it's arguments and then it's your body that gets turned into art. (What the hell is the name of that movie? You know, the 60's one where the dude stabs the cat accidentally in the wall, paper machetes him and then starts a lucrative art career? It's driving me CRAZY...)

50PageMcGee said...

congratulations julie. i love it. that chainsaw goes on for an awesome amount of time at the end. and am i hearing a pudding cup at the end there?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

A Bucket of Blood! I was up half the night trying to remember that...

JPX said...

Whirly and I finally had a moment to give this a proper viewing and we were both impressed! I couldn't help but believe that the Logical" guy was based on Octo? Octo, always wear safety glasses.

Seriously, nice job, Julie, especially given that you created it so quickly. Perhaps you can write a Horrorthon film using us as characters some time?


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...