From popeater, Marcia and Jan are still at each other's throats decades after the end of 'The Brady Bunch,' as RadarOnline is reporting that Maureen McCormick and Eve Plumb have such a heated feud going on that it caused the cancellation of an upcoming show reunion.
According to the report, many of the former 'Bunch' actors were set to do a large morning show interview this Wednesday. When McCormick and Plumb found out that both would be a part of the interview, problems began.
"Everyone tells a slightly different story of what happened," the source close to both actresses told Radar, adding that "the bottom line is that they didn't want to be on the same show and the appearance was canceled because of it.
The two actresses have had a sour relationship for years, most recently thanks to McCormick's biography in which she hinted that there may have been a lesbian relationship with Plumb -- which has since been denied. Plumb felt that McCormick used her to sell books.
Radar's source says that "the problems between them go back decades ... They've never liked each other ... And there have been many other events where Eve has said, 'I'm not doing it if Maureen is doing it.'"
So whose fault is it this time?
"Some people blame Maureen and some people blame Eve," the source said.
Give it up Jan. You'll never be as pretty as Marsha. Just accept it and move on.
Actually I think Jan has aged better than Marcia. I wonder how much truth there is to this lesbian relationship of theirs.
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