CHICAGO (AP) — Film critic Roger Ebert says computer programmers have captured his voice from movie commentary tracks so he can type what he wants to say and listeners hear a voice that sounds like him.
Ebert lost his ability to speak after surgery for cancer. He writes in Sunday's Chicago Sun-Times that a Scottish company has helped him regain a voice his grandchildren can recognize.
Ebert recorded commentaries for DVD movies before he lost his voice. A Scottish company called CereProc blended digital recordings of Ebert speaking to make his text-to-audio voice.
Ebert writes that the voice will be heard predicting Oscar winners on a segment of The Oprah Winfrey Show airing Tuesday.
He says he may be able to use the voice for radio and webcasts.
I'm just glad you didn't post that recent picture of him. You know, the one that made me cry?
I have so much respect for his courage and being upfront about his condition. He may have lost his sense of speach but not his brilliant mind or effortless prose. He taught me more about the movies over the years than anyone I can think of. He makes me a better writer just by reading his stuff. He is why I love the movies and I know I am not alone in this.
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