From iwatchstuff, Don Lafontaine, the voiceover guy who was as famous as a voiceover guy can reasonably be, died this weekend following complications from a collapsed lung. From CBS:
LaFontaine, known as the "King of Voiceovers" and famous for the line "in a world..." in movie trailers, died Monday at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, according to several broadcast reports and his agent.
That agent, Vanessa Gilbert, told "Entertainment Tonight" he passed away following complications from a collapsed lung. The official cause of death hasn't been released.
So now who's going to tell us what we're "in a world" of now? Our hearts? Yes. Our hearts.
That's kind of a bummer.
On a related note, you know how there's always a guy who yells "Goooooooooal!!!!" in foreign soccer games? I heard it was just one guy. Who's going to fill that place in our soccer-crazed hearts?
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