NEW YORK (AP) -- Lee Goldberg thinks Glen A. Larson is a genius, and not because the prolific television writer and producer gave us "Knight Rider" and "B.J. and the Bear."
Jamie Bamber gets plenty of chances to say "frak" in "Battlestar Galactica."
It was Larson who first used the faux curse word "frak" in the original "Battlestar Galactica." The word was mostly overlooked back in the '70s series but is working its way into popular vocabulary as SciFi's modern update winds down production.
"All joking aside, say what you will about what you might call the lowbrow nature of many of his shows, he did something truly amazing and subversive, up there with what Steven Bochco gets credit for, with 'frak,' " Goldberg said.
There's no question what the word stands for and it's used gleefully, as many as 20 times in some episodes.
"And he was saying it 30 years ago in the original goofy, god-awful 'Battlestar Galactica,' " said Goldberg, a television writer and novelist whose credits include "Monk" and "Diagnosis Murder."
The word is showing up everywhere -- on T-shirts, in sit-coms, best-selling novels and regular conversation.
"I have to start by saying that I'm drinking coffee out of a mug that says 'frak off' on the side of it, so much has it seeped into my life," "Galactica" star Jamie Bamber said.
The word is insinuating its way into popular vocabulary for a simple reason.
You can't get in trouble. It's a made-up word.
Find the rest of this surprisingly long article here
I so wanted to be Starbuck as a kid. Mad crush on Cassiopeia.
At least Maren Jensen (the brunette Athena to your blonde) got her own horror movie before vanishing into obscurity.
Speaking of, I haven't been able to see your avatar for some time, Landshark. Anyone else having this problem?
I can't see it either.
Landshark, haha I had a mad crush on Starbuck as a kid.
catfreeek, i had a petite crush on starbuck myself as a kid... also luke skywalker in star wars ep iv and harrison ford in empire strikes back and even jim kirk from star trek tos (frak, how embarrassing). now my imaginary crushes for the most part involve characters on "lost."
Now if you're talking Star Trek AC my heart belonged to Chekov, that accent was just too sexy.
I met Chekov once. He's about 4 feet tall, sorry ladies!
Landshark, I assumed your avatar was a box with a smaller box with an "x" embedded in it?
AC, might I assume that your LOST crush in Ben?
catfreeek, chekhov was awfully cute, but in an unthreatening, baby-beatle-ish way. i like my imaginary crushes a little more badass.
jpx, much as i respect the actor who plays ben, my "lost" crushes are more like "everyone on the cast but ben."
JPX 4 foot tall Chekov and 5'11" me would be a mighty funny sight.
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