Tuesday, September 09, 2008

What scared JPX part 2

Frequent Horrorthon readers might recall that JPX’s earliest recollection of fear occurred when he was 4 or 5 years old. At that time his father read him the Dr. Seuss story, “What I was Afraid Of”, which included, “pair of pale green pants
with nobody inside them.” Shudder.

Recently I was reminded of the second time something in pop culture scared the crap out of me. Picture it, 1979, Barrington, R.I. A 10-year old JPX was about to go to bed. His parents were out and a babysitter was taking care of him and his siblings. As JPX was about to retire, he caught a long commercial for the television version of Salem’s Lot. One image in particular sent chills down his spine. That image is the missing, now dead and resurrected as a vampire Ralphie Glick floating outside his brother Danny’s bedroom window, tapping on the glass and asking Danny to let him in.

This one damn image caused so much fear that I refused to go into my bedroom at night unless my shade was pulled down. To this day when I look towards windows at night, I half expect that damn Glick boy to start tapping. JSP, if you ever get turned into a vampire, I'm telling you right now that I'm not opening the window for you.

Horrorthon 2008 is coming soon!


Octopunk said...

I was freaked dafuck out by that commercial too! Why that commercial and not the movie itself? Gawd!

Johnny Sweatpants said...

You're a big wuss JPX. That's the most unassuming ghost I've ever seen. It looks like he's knocking on the window requesting permission to enter. You're a ghost, jerk! Go through the damn wall!

JPX said...

This coming from the boy who was scared by the shadow of my hand on the ceiling when we shared bunk beds! Remember Mr. Hand?

I thought so.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

You leave Mr. Hand out of this, mister!

Catfreeek said...

JSP he WAS knocking on the window asking permission to come in. He's a vampire, not a ghost.

JPX, it scared the crap out of me too although it's not the scare that plagues me to this day.

That would be going to the Seekonk twin with my parents & instead of watching Herbie the Lovebug or something like that I watched the original b&w Night of the Living Dead without sound. It plagued me with nightmares for years. I still have the same damn zombie nightmare every now & again. I had a similar experience with Phantasm as well.

Landshark said...

I don't remember the commercial, but that image from the film definitely stuck with me. Damn good horror flick, for a tv movie.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...