Friday, October 16, 2009

A Rare Hour-Long Interview With Alfred Hitchcock

Hi gang, I realize I’m breaking my own Horrorthon edict about only posting reviews during October, but I believe that this recently discovered “lost” interview with Alfred Hitchcock is apropos with our theme (I hope some Hitchcock gets covered this year!) and would be of interest to everyone. Enjoy!

Watch it here


Catfreeek said...

I have one sitting in my queue. Waiting to watch it when my step son brings his girlfriend over Sunday. She can't handle gore so I save the mysteries for when she's here.

Thanks for posting this, I love Hitch and might just have to take an hour off the thonning to watch it.

Pssst...I'm going to lose Thursday, Friday & Saturday next week to doing make up at a haunted house. Time for you to catch up.

JPX said...

My plan worked! I thought to myself, "If Cat watches this, it will be one hour that she won't be watching a movie..." In the very early days of Horrorthon, before we ever called it Horrorthon, JSP and I used to call each other in an effort to disrupt movie watching time. It backfired on me, though, because I believe he still watched movies even when he was on the phone with me. Sigh.

Catfreeek said...

Why am I not surprised.

AC said...

i have "the birds" in my queue... have never seen it.

Trevor said...

you guys are funny.

Jordan said...

The Birds is pretty awesome. Ahead of its time.

Jordan said...

Actually, I watched The Birds on a laptop in the Berkshires a year ago, when I was working on a deadline and had no time for Horrorthon. Too bad.

HandsomeStan said...

Darn it. The Birds was going to be one of my "big surprises."

Spoiler alert, or whatever.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...