LOTS of people reviewed this last year - AC, Octo, Freeek and JSP. (Sorry not to link, but really, why did JSP put all that effort into The Monster List if we're not going to use it?) So as briefly as I can - here's the plot: Oskar, lonely and often bullied by jerks, meets Eli, his new neighbor. Who turns out to be a vampire. Interesting and powerful events occur. Good? Okay.

I loved this movie. First of all, it is so beautiful. I loved the scenery, it actually made me cold. It's all this endless snow. It permeates everything. It's not only the outside shots that are cool, either, check out Oskar's classroom.

There is not a lot of dialogue - it's not really needed. There are subtleties in some of the action that really break your heart. Octo pointed out a scene in his review - with Oskar and his Father's sweater - that made me catch my breath as well. But it's clearly not all sunshine. The unexpected turns here and there truly add to the tension as the story unfolds. The bits with Eli's "assistant," especially in the most brightly lit forest where you can't believe he's doing what he's doing, had me on the edge of my seat. But at the same time, you have these moments of pacing and quietude that are so sublime.
And there is some brilliantly filmed pipe in the ass.

I'm pretty sure almost all of the Thonners have seen this. If anyone hasn't, be sure to put it on your list. You really don't want to miss it.
yay i'm so glad you loved this! great movie.
I didn't mention in my review - but the American remake just opened in theaters this month. It has received pretty solid reviews - 88% positive on Rotten Tomatoes.
I can't imagine it being as beautiful, but at least it sounds like it doesn't suck.
So cool! More monkeys for this bandwagon. Love your comment about the well-lit forest -- I recall the rather hilarious moment when there's that dog barking at the "assistant" and you assume it's far away and it's actually right there.
50's been trying to get me out to the movies for the remake but as mentioned I don't have a life this month.
Katina and I got free babysitting last Friday, and we got out to see the remake. Kinda wanted to see the original first, but oh well.
I'll get my review of the American version up soon.
I loved this film and plan on seeing the remake. I watched the trailer for it and I think it looks pretty good. Casting the little girl from Kickass seems like a good choice because she has a maturity about her. Though, I do have one major concern about the remake, which is, even if well done, is it going to take a different approach than the original. I see little point to remakes that are verbatim to the earlier version other than making a movie for those that don't watch foreign films.
technically, *none* of us have a life this month.
octo and i caught this in hollywood two thons ago. i never reviewed it, which is strange because i was doing a big thing about vampires that year.
i love this movie. i agree with everything you said about the prettiness of it. there's one shot in particular that hit me, i think it's of snow coming off of a tree in front of the building, and it's the middle of the night. i gasped when i saw it.
i'm going to take another pass at it -- it just showed up from netflix tonight.
and yes, i hope to catch the remake in the theater this year.
I loved this film as well. What's not to love, right. Excellent review.
This is one of the highest rated ever among the 'thonners.
I promise to update the Monster List soon!
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