While partying under the Golden Gate Bridge, a group of teenagers is attacked by a rag-tag group of zombie-like monsters. These "neon maniacs" consist of a samurai warrior, a Native American, a caveman, a crossbow guy and a stubby rubber one eyed monster. Think of it as a zombie version of the Village People. Yes, this movie is that awesome. Only Natalie, the virgin (she's just not ready), survives the attack. Natalie tells her story to the police but they dismiss the zombies and her six missing friends as a "prank" and leave it at that. But wouldn't six missing teenagers warrant an investigation? Never mind that now.
Since the police can't be bothered, Natalie enlists the help of an outcast classmate and her boyfriend Steven. The three of them set out to track down the maniacs before they kill again. Who are these ghouls and how do they know how to drive a BART train? If water makes them melt then why do they live by the bay? The answers to these questions aren't important. What is important is that the climax takes place at a battle of the bands where the audience is treated to Steven's unique brand of wuss pop.

"Are you guys ready to not rock?"
Neon Maniacs has everything I look for in an 80's B-horror movie. I laughed aloud at the grossly inappropriate elevator music theme song and continued to laugh until the credits rolled. The plot is wholly ridiculous, bordering on the absurd. And yet it takes itself seriously enough and never suffers from the wink-wink self satisfaction that sinks so many of its peers.
If ever a cop can be excused for thinking a complaint is just a prank, I think an alleged attack by the zombie Village People probably fits the bill.
Neon Maniacs is a pretty good name for a band. Sounds like a total hoot,"Are you ready to not rock" cracked me up.
Hilarious review! It’s always funny in movies when police completely ignore someone who is recounting an awful event and as a result the person decides to investigate/resolve the crime on his/her own. Imagine how quickly police officers would be fired if they chalked up someone’s tale of woe to being a made-up story. This movie just sounds like a thick sandwich of crazy and gore, count me in!
Fantastic review, you should be putting out 2 a day slacker! Sounds like a fun flick, funny I never heard of it yet strangely Tony knows it well. I'll have to add it to my to watch list.
this is the kind of movie you won't ever get scooped on, junior.
i think that stage is where the Hong Kong Cavaliers play at the beginning of Buckaroo Banzai.
jsp, sounds like a must-see to me.
50p, would buckaroo count even remotely as a horror movie? the lectroids and the spider-things and the slug-thing are kind of scary... and lizardo's a top (mad) scientist.
Much as I love Buckaroo Banzai, I think The Ghost and Mr. Chicken was probably more suited to Horrorthon.
Great review! I also loved "not rock." And I think I've pointed out before that being a cop is one of the best jobs to have in a horror movie. Everything is pranks being pulled by punks. They're just trying to make you look stupid! Stay at your desk!
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