Supercool Voice Articulist (I don’t think 'articulist' is actually a word) Billy West says Matt Groening and David X. Cohen's FUTURAMA will be returning to television in the form of 26 new episodes.
If memory serves, recently announce plans called for the production of 4 straight-to-DVD, feature length installments. Not sure where those plans went, or why the gravitation back to TV is happening instead, but I'll eagerly embrace, fondle, and moistly caress any FUTURAMA I can get.
The original post, from Billy himself, can be found at his website.
But here's the essence of his message:
And the other good news is that they're doing 26 new episodes of ''Futurama'' for TV and we're hammering out the deal now.The original plan was to have the DVD's first but that's no longer the case.I'm totaly jammed dude.
Greetings from the year 3000! It still sucks!
Wonder where these episodes will be shown? Hopefully on Cartoon Network...where they stand a chance of being aired regualrly and actually seen by viewers. Of course, failing to air a series regularly and reliably could never impact that show finding an audience...could it, Fox?"
Interesting. David Cohen's sister is a friend of mine, who lived with my friend Paul for a few years. I never met D. Cohen but Paul hung out with him a fair amount and met Groening et al a few times.
Wow, cool!
I was lukewarm to Futurama at first but it grew on me over repeat viewings. I love that bell-slamming opening music.
Bong Bong! bongbong Bong Bong!
My favorite of their changing opening taglines: "Voted Best!"
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