From Iwatchstuff: "For whatever reason, the makers of Snakes on a Plane have deemed it necessary for the film to have a logo, and Entertainment Weekly's got the scoop. It basically looks like if the American Medical Association logo were designed to be airbrushed on the hood of a Camaro. It's that awesome. And it's just in time, too; I have a tattoo appointment at 4:30."
From Octopunk: I'mnotMarc sent me an email yesterday in which he related the following fun fact: Samuel Jackson became interested in this movie solely because of the title "Snakes on a Plane," and when they made a move to change it, he nuked the effort. His quote was something like "either you'll want to see that, or you won't." That's the kind of Jedi wisdom I can get behind.

Also, just when I was getting sick of looking for Snakes on a Plane pics to post, I came across the fan art. One example is in JPX's post below, but here's another that caught my eye. And the t-shirt.
I think I'm definitely going to have to get that t-shirt.
It's great and a perfect way to advertise this stupid movie.
Stupid! I know, but I'm getting into it.
Me too!
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