From Iwatchstuff, "How sad is it when your parents have to defend your casting in a motion picture? Ask Daniel Craig. His father, speaking to the Sunday Mirror, denied rumors that the actor is afraid of guns, cars, boats, and anything else that has trade shows:
"It is all cobblers," he says, of reports that Daniel is terrified of speed boats, can only drive automatic cars and got his knocked out in his first fight while filming Casino Royale. "Daniel is a hard lad - you wouldn't want to meet him in a dark street. Is he a wimp? No, I wouldn't like to call him that to his face. As for the idea he doesn't like guns... when he was younger he would play with a toy gun like any other boy."
So there you go. Everyone can stop criticizing Daniel Craig now, since his father has said it's "all cobblers." If this goes half as well as when my mom came to school and said I couldn't shower in gym class due to a medical condition, he'll only have to deal with three wedgies and half of a severe beating, cruelly performed in the very gym shower I refused to use."
Okay, I think that it's our duty to popularize the statement, "It is all cobblers".
I agree.
This whole Daniel Craig imbroglio upset me because it's one of those moments when you're eagerly anticipating someone's attempt at making "the good version" of something (syphoning out the juvenile cheesiness, in other words) and you have to face the fact that the public doesn't actually WANT the "good version." See also "Clear and Present Danger;" "Star Trek: Generations."
Jordan, it's all cobblers!
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