LaBeouf is indeed in negotiations for the role described as "a teenage male, somewhat nerdy, but ultimately heroic". Other characters in the michael Bay flick include:
Miguela Barns - teenage female, Sam's love interest.
Cpt William Lennicks - 30s male, leader of the military.
Maggie - female, really hot, really smart, works as a codebreaker for the government.
John Kellar - 50's/60's male, US Secretary of State.
Glen Whitman - 20's male, technogeek, comic relief.
Oh good, my least favorite actor! Maybe he'll be riding in Optimus Prime and Optimus will transform suddenly and crush him.
What? They're doing all that with special effects? Darn!
I always liked the way the theme song felt the need to add, "robots in disguise," as an aside. I got a smile whenever I heard that. It was like Mr. Burns said "Transformers!" and Smithers added, "Robots in disguise," or, it was like there's an icon that says "Transformers!" and when you move the mouse pointer over it a little beige rectangle appeared that said, "Robots in disguise." At this point the inherent humor of the phrase itself ("Robots in disguise") begins to assert itself. They're "in disguise"? Why? Was it the robots' idea to wear disguises? Are they in fright wigs and print smocks like Terry Jones and Graham Chapman? No! They're disguised...AS CARS. I swear they were dosed on blotter acid when they thought this one up. Or, it just proves that THE EAST has very different social mores from our own.
Yes they do! They worships that most elusive of avatars, the giant robot. Drop a couple of A-bombs on people, wait a few decades, and viola!
(I cribbed that last line from "The Adventures of Phoebe Zeit-Geist.)
But come on, it's hilarious! "The transformers!" (ASIDE) "Robots in disguise." I can't get enough of that.
The best is if you imagine "Robots in disguise" in that synthy robo-voice they used in the song.
You know, they never really used their "disguise" options as far as I remember. Then again, how could they? Maybe the bad guys could surprise drive-thru bank tellers.
"Omigod! That car is actually a robot! In DISGUISE!"
1) ATMs
2) small buildings
3) benign robots
4) pod people (they could conceivably blend right in)
5) large industrial construction equipment such as fork lifts, cranes, "chery-pickers" etc.
6) family pets
7) outdoor sculpture
8) oil derricks
9) Isaac Asimov
10) sci-fi convention attendees
Pff. I tried to tell them about the small buildings, but that stupid new guy was all "I don't get it."
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