Aintitcoolnews interviewed Andy Serkis, who played Kong. Here's an interesting tidbit about a scene that never made it into the film. "QUINT: Is there any piece of your Kong performance that had to be cut from the feature version that you'd like to see on the Extended Edition in the future?
ANDY SERKIS: Yeah, there are some scenes. There's a scene where Kong and Ann... It's just after the T-Rex fight and he's going towards his lair. He comes across a stone statue of a gorilla where almost kind of becomes self-aware, for the first time, of his size and the improbability of him ever really being able to relate to her. He sees himself and almost has a moment of self-loathing as he sees himself compared to the size of Ann. And the fact that although these incredible emotions that he's never felt before, or that he's never grown up feeling before, you know... he sees himself and the improbability of them ever kind of amounting to anything, I guess.
QUINT: I was actually going to bring that scene up. I saw some artwork of it a while back of Kong looking royally pissed off at this giant stone statue of one of his forefathers.
ANDY SERKIS: Right, right! Exactly. He really does become aware of his ugliness, if you like."
Yeah, but he didn't have nearly as much to do with it as everyone thinks. I hate all this "Andy Serkis should get an Oscar!" talk (whether it relates to Gollum or King Kong). The facial animation was all done by animators at Weta.
I'm sure he's correct about the cut scene, though.
What an unprovoked smack! He's just some fish-lipped actor, give him a break.
One reason I'm psyched for the Skull Island doc is that I'm curious about its fictional history. Seeing a giant ape statue changes the potentials.
Of course, I hope it doesn't totally blow the lid off the mystery, that's the best part.
I should point out that Jordan IS right. The scuttlebut I hear is that most of the mocap data is scrapped. It makes good press, though.
Maybe if the Jar Jar guy got more face time...we'd know what he looks like and then we could kill him. Smack.
We know what the Jar Jar guy looks like because he plays other bit parts in the prequel trilogy!
I guess I knew that. I was just talking about Jar Jar Binks and was overcome with murderous rage for some reason.
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