In case you didn't realize it, I was being sarcastic. From Moviesonline, 'Michael Chiklis on Regis & Kelly let it be known that we wont be waiting to much longer for Fantastic Four 2 to begin shooting. Honestly, who cares? Fantastic Four was such a big let down I really dont care if we do get a second one. With that said I am sure many of you loved the movie, then again maybe not.
Accordin to Chiklis it is going to shoot primarily in Canada, namely in Vancouver and is slated to come out on July 4th again in 2007. There are alot of rumors on the silver surfer and other characters returning for Fantastic Four 2 but one thing we do know is that Dr. Doom will be in the sequel. Our buddie Kellvin from Latino Review had the chance to chat with director Tim Story about the upcoming "Fantastic Four" sequel.
I asked Story that towards the end of the first film, it left it wide open that Doom will be back, so will he? "Yes that I can tell you. He will be back in full DOOM, not like we had him in the first film."'
In even better news, here's the state of Punisher 2 (sarcastic again)
" haven't heard much about this project except that it was given the greenlight. It looks like ThomasJane.com realised that alot of people were wondering what was going to happen with the film so got in contact with the actor and asked several questions from fans on the messageboard. Here is what he had to say about the film.
Can you confirm (or even speculate) that Punisher 2 will start filming in the summer?
Not anymore! P2 is still looking for a good story at this point. We’re working on it, and hope to have a script by the fall.
So I wouldn't expect filming to begin until early next year. That is of course if the writers can churn out something that interests the studios. I'll be sure to follow this up with more info as it becomes available."
God, HOW in the world did FF not end up the dismalist of failures? In box office terms, I mean, since it was a total artistic failure.
(We already know how, of course: last year saw an unexpected slew of quality movies that, although they didn't win the public back for their own selves, boosted anticipation for FF when it rolled around. Kind of like how the Right claims the Clinton-era's good economy was actually the after effects of the Reagan-Bush policies, except for real.)
Right, so we can sneer at the Fantastic Four people, "enjoying the Spider-Man economy?"
Exactly! Except, besides people who worked on it, I don't think there are any Fantastic Four People.
Is there some geek cell out there who LOVED that movie? Probably is. Let's all pity them.
(vrrm vrrm vrrm vrrm)
Okay, all done.
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