This looks like the perfect nerd movie for total geeks. In other words, me. From Iwatchstuff, "The official site for the documentary High Score has posted its trailer online. The film follows Bill Carlton in his attempt to beat the twenty-year-old record for the Atari video game Missile Command, a task he estimates will take around 55 hours. From the looks of the trailer, it sounds like it will be an arduous task, but Bill seems up to the task, noting that, "Nobody ever made history by being a big puss." Though, sadly, I'm not sure how many people have made history by playing Missile Command non-stop either. Unless he means a history of obesity, scarring acne, public ridicule, and adult virginity. Then he's spot on."
Watch the retro trailer here: http://www.highscoremovie.com/trailer.html
I was never good at Missile Command. Then again, everyone knows that the 3 greatest videogames of all time are Centipede, Ms. Pacman, and Tempest. There, I said it.
I always liked that they used the "The End" at the end of missle command at the end of the credits in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
I say let's see more vintage games taken on, get them in the spotlight.
Is everyone aware that I go by "JPX" because Octopunk purposely screwed me up as I attempted to input my "High Score" "JPW" initials into a Jungle Hunt game at Ann and Hope circa 1984?
That is a blatant LIE.
The Jungle Hunt in A&H was where I deliberately hit the jump button off cue and dumped one of your guys off the vine and into the lethal undergrowth. This was in retaliation for you downshifting me in my Pole Position game when I was within sight of the finish line.
It was a Tempest machine, with its wonderful spinning knob, that gave us JPX. His first ever time getting his initials up and the knob's inertia took it one letter further at the last second. It was the following day, when he got his name up a second time and took extra care to get it right, and I nudged it to X at the last second.
I'd do it again.
Aw man are you still on that Pole Position thing? I'm telling you, no matter what, you were running out of gas and you were never going to make it! I, on the other hand, was doing quite well on Jungle Hunt and you killed me, killed me! You only get 3 guys and you took one of my lives away. It was the cruelst thing you've ever done. Well, that and stealing River Raid from me before I even got to play it once!
Yeah, Tempest was awesome.
Sigh. You know, you said that the day it happened, and several times since. I could just as easily say that you were going to waste that guy anyway. You probably wouldn't have even made that next jump.
The point is, through my act of instant, ruthless retaliation my message was clear. Keep your hands off my buttons.
As for the JPX incident, I (gleefully) admit it was a dick move, but it gave us something cool. All initials with an X are cool. Do you think we'd still remember your score today?
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