The Simpsons were freakin' HILARIOUS! I was so pleased. The episodes were Lisa's story within a story within a story within a story, Marge babysitting "Nimrod and Nimtodd," and last week's wife swapping reality show ep for which they used the live action opening. (They switched the image around so the cars looked American.)
There were a ton of jokes with great payoff, like when Moe tries to throw Barney out and he inexplicably returns. I knew Barney would come back at the end of the gag, but they decided to have him just standing there behind Moe instead of Moe going "Whuaaa?" and the result was perfect. Likewise the scene in which Edna says she'll stay in Springfield just to help Bart while Bart's in the background robbing the school and tagging it with "Munch my butt." High points of the others include Homer saying "I'll do it after my show" when he's just watching the "insert dvd" message move around the screen, and as a counterpoint, his explanation to Lisa about why they should be on a reality show. "We can be on TV, and earn money to buy a new TV...TV, honey, TV!"
Anyway, it was another of those times when I realize I can hear all the "they've lost it" talk that's out there and just smile.
The South Park was even more of a dis to Isaac Hayes than I would've thought. They make a joke out of the fact that Hayes wasn't around to record. There's a scene in which a lot of exposition is achieved by people saying things like "well, Chef, I bet that now you're back, you're ready to get back into your old life etc." and Chef goes "That's right!" Then, when they're pasting together his brainwashed dialogue, they give no care to whether the words' intonations sound rhythmically realistic while Hayes's voice says things like "I want to make love to your asshole, Kyle." In the end, while he's being mauled by a mountain lion and a bear, the animals finish their work by pulling the skin off of his face and then pulling him apart so that his intestines slop everywhere.
Not one of their best episodes, but considering the situation, it was pretty funny. Those guys are PISSED.
I should point out that Ricky Gervais, who was the guest voice on the wife-swapping ep, was just awful. Ah well.
That's funny that you watched the last 3 episodes because other than those episodes, this season of The Simpsons has been the worst ever. The last 3 episode, on the other hand have all been fairly solid. I love that bit where you can look into the funhouse mirror to see what you would look like in hell.
We used to have that mirror in my old house.
That's too bad the season's been so poor. It's also too bad you're not some jerk I can just ignore and go "hmmm hmmm hmmm, the Simpsons are always great."
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