From Aintitcoolnews, "Look... I have heard some really rough things about the production of this film... and I stand behind what I’ve written about the process at Fox. But that trailer works. I know many people liked TERMINATOR 3, and this is sort of that situation again... a third film made by someone other than the person who kickstarted a franchise. Personally, I’m not nuts about T3, but this trailer had enough things that I liked that I am prepared to see X-MEN 3 with as open a mind as possible.
I would love for this to be a great conclusion to the franchise the way it exists now, and not a mistake. If they deliver the movie this trailer promises, then maybe I’ll get my wish."
See the new trailer here.
Damnit! I can't run this trailer from work. Someone watch it and weigh in - and by someone I mean you, Jordan!
Wow! Holy crap, I finally got to watch that. Yeah, that totally convinces me they might get it.
Which means, of course, nothing.
I wonder if Joss Whedon got pissed that they boosted his "mutant cure" plotline that he wrote in Astonishing X-men.
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