(1976) **½

They are laughing at the audience because they think it's all fake.

Better not scream honey or it's chop city for you.
But what is it that this cult classic is most famous for?

This film was banned for a long time because it was just so shocking. Now it's just rather ridiculous, humorous and loaded with stupidity. Dubbed the original torture porn, it's an s&m blood fest that would have brought tears of joy to the Marquis De Sade's eyes. The blood is from back in the day when it looked like they just used oodles of red paint. The severed limbs look plastic. However the nudity is quite real and so is the dancing midget, what more could you ask for. Did I mention that there are lots & lots of naked women?
For some reason I really want to see this film now that I've read your review, I can't put my finger on it...
hmmmmmm...maybe it's the awesome plastic limbs covered in red paint. Couldn't be the naked women.
i can see (sort of?) the victims being nude, but why were the bloodsucking freaks nude too?
Naked women AND a dancing midget? Where have you been all my life Bloodsucking Freaks?
Oh JSP tell me you put this in your queue
Sigh. I'm pretty sure I saw this at the Avon in Providence. It's one of those 70's movies that in a weird way goes too far, if you know what I mean.
I'm sure it's strange to hear me say that, considering what we're all up to here, but it's kind of like Japanese animated tentacle rape movies -- you can appreciate the extremes captured on film but you feel gross and complicit by watching it.
Exactly Octo!
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