Botched takes place in Moscow where a penthouse robbery goes wrong. The 3 thieves accidentally kill a woman in the penthouse. To foul things up even further 3 female religious whackos, 3 business types and a security guard get into the elevator with them fouling up their discreet getaway. Suddenly the elevator stops and the security guards walkie blurts out that a woman has been murdered. Now they proceed to take the elevator patrons hostage and exit onto the floor where they have stopped. They begin hostage negotiations with the authorities and at this point it seems to be flowing along nicely as a crime movie. The story is likable and the main character played by Stephen Dorff fits the part well. Then things take a turn. Now twenty minutes into the film you are abruptly reminded that you are watching a horror flick when the first hostage they decide to release is murdered and it isn't by them.

They realize the police have not been called and they are trapped on the floor with a murderous psycho. I really enjoyed this film for the most part. There is no shartage of bloodshed and the deaths are unique and creative. The only reason it didn't rate 4 stars for me was that they tried to incorporate quirky comedic moments into it. The film would have had such a dark and creepy overtone if not for the random attempts for laughter. Still I would recommend it, the film moves along quite nicely and held my attention throughout. A better than mediocre choice.
That is a freaky-ass picture, that's for sure!
Man, what a list I'm going to have for next year with all these movies!
I like films that take place in a confined setting (e.g., house, asylum, etc). This one sounds like one I'd like, although the "humor" comment makes me somewhat wary. Humor in horror is a very tricky beast. You're on a roll Catfreek! Are you going to force me to take some days off from work?
"A better than mediocre choice."
How did you get my wife's wedding vows to me into your post Cat?
Still makes me tear up...
Sounds interesting! DCD,I agree about the pic. I was worried that I might scare someone passing by my desk at work. Luckily the library is quiet and desolate most of the time.
Catfreek, I think you are going to take JPX down this year, and if it can't be me, then I'm glad it's you.
I think my favorite thing about about this is the title. Such dry European understatement. In the USA they'd call it "Clusterfuck."
JPX~I have two entire days off this month all to myself. I plan to cram in as many films as I can in that time so you may wanna play a little hooky hehehe
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