Saturday, October 04, 2008

A plea from JPX

Hi Horrorthonners, I just wanted to make a general comment about posting during Horrorthon. I intended to make note of this on the last day of September but I completely forgot. Generally we try to keep the month of October for contest reviews only, otherwise the flow and spirit of the contest tends to get distrupted.

I recognize that this might be annoying (believe me, there have been a number of things I’ve been holding off on posting as well - seeing Religuolus, for example) but please refrain from posting non-horror reviews until November 1. One way to get around this is to post interesting links in the comment section.

Now back to mayehm.


JPX said...

I also wanted to tell people to check the Horrorthon Score blog periodically to ensure that all of your data is correct. With so many participating this year it's a challenge to keep up, and given that I have terrible attention to detail mistakes are sure to be mad.

Yes I did that on purpose.

miko564 said...

"given that I have terrible attention to detail"

-"Why yes Mrs. Jones, I did forget that I was treating you for a phobia of the color blue while I was repainting the office. Now please come out from under the couch."

JPX said...

You have no idea! I write extensive chart notes because otherwise I would never remember what the hell I spoke to a patient about a week later.

There are actually days where I have to really think about what i wore the day before otherwise rising the same outfit twice.

One day I wore two different shoes and didn't notice until the end of the day.

miko564 said...

I you ever do it again, and a patient notices, congratulate them on being so self-actualized and aware of their surroundings.

You could tell them that you were proud of them for asserting themselves by pointing it out to their Dr. and say something like, "Now do think such a thing would have been possible when you first came to see me?"

JPX said...

Not bad, Miko, but I think I'd say, "You passed the test!" Everyone wins.

The Mr. said...

damn and the vp debate could have easily fit into the genre

JPX said...

That's the scariest movie of the year.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...