Monday, November 03, 2008

Slumber Party Massacre


A group of female high school basketball players decide to get together for a little slumber party (chicks can play basketball?). The parents are away so anything goes! Unbeknownst to our little Globetrotters is that escaped mental patient Russ Thorn is on the loose. They should know this because it’s all over the news, the radio, etc, but who has time for all that boring news junk when there’s a slumber party afoot! After making a few kills along the way, Russ makes his way to the merrymaking girls. Now Russ likes to kill, for sure, but he likes to set himself apart from the usual knife-wielding psychopath. Instead of a knife Russ’ deadly instrument of choice is the biggest fucking hand drill I’ve ever seen. The rest of the film follows the paint-by-numbers stalk-chase-kill (drill) that has been showcased in countless films from this genre.

Stop laughing at me, I'm scary, I'm scary!

Sigh. It’s as if the director watched Halloween one time and tried to recreate it from memory 4 years later. There’s nothing remotely scary about Slumber Party Massacre although we’re treated to ample boobage possibly as an apology. All I could think the entire time I was watching this was why choose a drill as a weapon? Killer Russ must’ve thought twice about this decision after about an hour or so of trying to lug this motherfucker around. Why not just kill someone by swinging a Buick? Anyway, Slumber Party is the most generic stabby stabby I’ve seen to date (or should I say drilly drilly?). There are 2 more of these films?


Octopunk said...

The second one of these is one of the worst movie experiences you could ever have. I didn't know there was a third one.

What I recall about this movie are tons of fake scares piled on top of each other, including someone being stalked by a cleaver-wielding person who turns out to just be someone killing snails in the garden... at night... with a cleaver. Sigh.

JPX said...

Yes! Actually one aspect of all the slashers that got old really fast was the use of cheap scares. Every one I watched included (a) the screeching cat jumping out of somewhere, and (b) someone walking up to someone and touching them on the shoulder as a greeting - who the hell does that!?

God, Octo, I just published this - you got that comment out in like 2 minutes!

Whirlygirl said...

This was written by a feminist and the drill is supposed to be a phallic symbol.

It's almost 2:30am and I should be sleeping not talking about drills as phallic symbols.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...