Since JPX already provided a wonderful summary and there have been so many reviews posted between yesterday and today, I will be brief. (Miko, feel free to make a comment about by clever tactic of getting out of writing a full review, and use it if you’d like.)
As evident from my rating, I think this film is as fantastic as JPX does. It’s the complete package – totally awesome cinematography (including beautiful scenic and kick ass artsy, freaky shots), great acting, and it seamlessly balances just the right amount of scare, drama, and intrigue. I was invested in the characters from the beginning to the end and, as JPX also mentioned, experienced goose bumps on several occasions. JPX can attest that I often expressed distress about a character’s movements because I was afraid wherever they were going or whatever they were doing was going to creep me out.

Off but on topic, there is a banging noise coming from one of my cabinet doors that’s very similar to the noises I heard in the Orphanage. It’s been doing it for days and my cat has been desperately trying to claw it open. I actually had to stick a vacuum cleaner (which frightens her to death) in front of it so she would stop. I thought she was just being a nosy bastard and going at it because I just recently moved all of my picture framing supplies in there, but now after watching the Orphanage I’m giving those noises a second thought. Do I dare to open it? I think I’m going to be freakin’ scared tonight while I’m trying to go to sleep.
I'd say open the cabinet! Just make sure you have a baseball bat, a cattle prod, and one of those ghost traps from Ghostbusters.
If you have one of those bomb-poking robots the police have, use that too.
It's October. You can't be too careful.
i am guessing rodent... if you do investigate, let us know the outcome.
Keep it shut, it must be sack boy!
I don't know what would be worse, sack boy or a rodent. I don't think a rodent could get in there.
That's it! It's driving me crazy, I'm going in. If I don't report back shortly then that means that sack boy got me. JPX, since you're the closets it's on your shoulders to save me.
There's nothing there, and it turns out the noise isn't coming from there either, at least I don't think. When I was in the kitchen checking out the situation, I heard the noise coming from a different room, but yet then I heard it coming from the kitchen again when I was in another room. Jesus Christ! I feel like I'm losing my mind. Are one of you Horrorthoners camped out in my house playing tricks on me? If I had to guess I'd say it was that damn Johnny Sweatpants.
Seriously, I think it might be coming from inside this little dark creepy room that goes the length of my kitchen. If it is I’m going to bolt that door shut.
I recommend a shotgun. Can't miss with a shotgun. You can even buy one there in "The People's Republic of Rhode Island".
Sack-boy doesn't stand a chance...well...maybe the robot Octo mentioned wouldn't be a bad idea.
Has a Horrorthonner ever cracked from watching too much horror before?
Not that you're cracking Whirly...eh...not saying that at all.
(Slowly backing towards the door.)
I think you crack first and then you join the contest.
So that explains what I'm doing here.
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