(1991) *****
Clarice Starling, an ambitious FBI trainee, is sent to enlist the help of imprisoned psychopath Hannibal Lecter. The FBI are on the trail of a serial killer ("Buffalo Bill") whose trademark is partially skinning his large, female victims. Lecter toys with Starling, offering her tantalizing clues to the killer’s motive and identity while extracting painful, intimate personal information from her in exchange. The urgency increases when a senator's daughter is kidnapped, presumably by Buffalo Bill.
Suspenseful from beginning to end; complex characters we care about; blood, twists, and touches of dark humor; fabulous acting: no matter how often I watch SOTL, my eyes can't leave the screen. This is a classic psychological horror movie, and probably one of my all-time favorite movies, period. I could watch it again right now! But that would be sick.
Clarice Starling, an ambitious FBI trainee, is sent to enlist the help of imprisoned psychopath Hannibal Lecter. The FBI are on the trail of a serial killer ("Buffalo Bill") whose trademark is partially skinning his large, female victims. Lecter toys with Starling, offering her tantalizing clues to the killer’s motive and identity while extracting painful, intimate personal information from her in exchange. The urgency increases when a senator's daughter is kidnapped, presumably by Buffalo Bill.
Suspenseful from beginning to end; complex characters we care about; blood, twists, and touches of dark humor; fabulous acting: no matter how often I watch SOTL, my eyes can't leave the screen. This is a classic psychological horror movie, and probably one of my all-time favorite movies, period. I could watch it again right now! But that would be sick.
AC, we are in synch yet again. This is one of my all time favorite movies, in any genre.
I would like to have a Horrorthon movie party someday and watch this one with you and JPX. Two Head-docs watching a movie about a crazy head-doc...now that's a party.
Ac, I agree, this movie is great every single time I watch it.
Love this movie! So good with a nice Chianti.
miko, it is a date.
whirly, truth to tell, i avoided watching sotl for many years because i was too chicken!
octo, you are a wise guy.
dcd, where's your comment (the one you deleted from manhunter)?
Oh yeah! Forgot about that.
I vividly remember reading this book because I was working in Prov and taking the bus for some reason. That was my reading time and it was nose-in-book from the minute on until the minute off the bus.
I was psyched when the movie came out and they did it right. So many books to movies are not done well, but I thought they really nailed SOTL.
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