Tuesday, October 07, 2014

For the Horde!

Howdy folks!  I'm back.  Here's what I was busy doing, taking Lego stuff and putting it down near other Lego stuff and taking pictures.  To put it another way, Star Vikings totally invaded the Mecha section at BrickCon 2014 in Seattle (this year's theme:  Invasion!)!  I'll post some more pics later and I'll be getting to Horrorthonning sooner, but it was a taxing couple of days and I'm recovering slowly.

Can't tell you how overwhelmingly pleased I was to keep checking in and seeing all the reviews.  Horrorthon chugged along without me, and that's just wonderful.  I'll be in your faces soon.  HORRORTHON!


Catfreeek said...

Welcome back Octo!

DKC said...

Woo Hoo! Psyched to see more pics and too have you back!

DKC said...

Dammit! My swype always puts two "o's" on the word "to" and I often don't catch it until it's to late. Stupid phone.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Way to screw up DCD. I'm embarrassed for both of us.

Anyway your post is awesome and I look forward to your reviews. Those guys seem pretty cool, especially the dude who's poking your armpit with his horn.

Now get your ass back to work, and by "work" I mean dissecting Godzilla movies!

Johnny Sweatpants said...

My second favorite is the dude with his finger in his ear and his mouth open. It's as though putting his finger in his ear opens his mouth!

AC said...

Welcome back Octopunk!

JPX said...

I am embarrassed for DCD and her "accidental" usage of "too" when she meant "to".

Jesus Christ, it's about time you showed up to the party, Octo! Now get moving and watch some damn movies already!

DKC said...


Salem's Lot 1979 and Salem's Lot 2024

Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...