In the third film of "The Evil Dead" series, our gun-toting, chainsaw-handed hero, Ash, has been transported to the 13th century where he has been prophesied as the one who will find the Necronomicon, the Book of the Dead, and deliver the people from the terrors of the Deadites.
I thought this was a really fun film, thoroughly campy, with stop motion skeleton action straight from Jason and the Argonauts, thought that the adding the chemistry 101 book to add gunpowder to the final battle scene was sweet.
Not much for a first review I admit, I promise I'll do better as the films come....
Welcome aboard, Desroc2! There has been talk recently of a 4th Evil Dead film, I hope it happens. Army of Darkness is pretty silly, but as a whole I dig this series a lot.
I love the whole Evil Dead series. Nice review, short but very sweet.
yay desroc! good pick to kick off horrorthon.
Have you ever seen the "Bootleg Edition"? There's a completely different ending where Ash ends up to0 far in the future.
ooh, i need to see that! where is it available?
I've been meaning to watch this one for years. The bits I've seen look totally fun.
Welcome, bro-in-law! No need for excuses, your review is perfect. Participation is the key!
Fights between stop-mo skeletons and live actors really warm my heart.
AC, even though its called the "Bootleg Edition", it's actually a legit release. I guess they needed to find a way to re-release this on DVD for the billionth time. If you can't get it off Netflix I'll copy it for you.
Welcome to the party Desroc! You picked one of my favorites. I know I will catch a ton of flak for this, but this is my favorite Evil Dead flick. I know it isn't the scariest, but the "This is my Bang Stick" scene won me over right off the bat.
Personally, I appreciated that your review was short. I have limited review reading time because I'm trying to squeeze in one movie today. I thought about blowing off the vice presidential debate for maybe about half a second to watch horror, but realized I couldn't do it.
I've only seen the first one in the series and loved it. Eventually I’ll check them all out.
So, Desroc, are you going to be the one to take down JPX this thon?
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