Friday, October 14, 2011

The Reef

(2010) ****

“Don’t worry, it’d be more likely to get killed by a bee sting then to get killed by a shark.”

Five friends wreck their sailboat while sailing around in the Great Barrier Reef. The boat sinks and they are left to slowly make their way to short swimming with floats. Everyone seems to be doing fine making the best of a bad situation, until an uninvited guest joins the party, a great white shark.

"Feed me Seymore!"

The Reef proves that more then 30 years after Jaws, sharks still scare the shit out of me. How vulnerable we are, so small in such a vast ocean. Nothing but meat to those “big toothy teddy bears”, as Tony likes to call them. I was actually yelling at the tv at one point, “Gouge the eyes! Gouge the eyes dammit!” The scariest things are that which are real. That said, I won’t be scuba diving any time soon.


AC said...

that shark shot is incredible. nice find!

Landshark said...

Very nice...this sounds like it's worth checking out.

DKC said...

I can definitely remember swimming off our sailboat as a kid and freaking myself out by thinking about all the things that could be beneath the surface of the water. Eek!

JPX said...

I totally agree with your opinion about sharks. I watched this in September like a dope and wish that I had saved it for Horrorthon. It's another one of those predicament movies that I like! I could watch a movie about people being trapped in the water every day - I just love the isolation. Watch Apollo 18.

Octopunk said...

Yeah! Fish are scary because they're just torpedoes with teeth, and I don't just mean they're dangerously effective. Fish are so damn impersonal. With mammals you can see the anger, with birds it's weirder but still bitchy, even reptiles have a practiced menace.

But like Quint says in Jaws, sharks have doll eyes. Shiver!

Bugs and carniverous plants might be worse, but that's it.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...