Wednesday, October 12, 2011


(2007) *** 1/2

I enjoyed this remake for the star casting (almost all of The Devil's Rejects) and the fact that the first half hour explains why Michael Myers is the way he is.

Its similar to the original, except that Myers isn't transferred to another institution, he escapes in the middle of a not-so-well thought out plan. In this one, Myers doesn't know how to drive..which makes sense. Dr. Loomis gets killed in this, unlike the original. Myer's mother(Sheri Moon Zombie) is a stripper in this. I DO like the William Shatner mask in this one, a lot more detailed than the original one. In this one, Michael Myers knows Laurie is his sister..and oh, Michael is HUGE in this movie!


JPX said...

Although I don't need to know why Michael became The Shape", I thought the first 20 minutes or so of this film were pitch perfect. I stopped liking this movie the moment Michael puts on the famous mask. It becomes an inferior retread of the original. Zombie is great at creating the look and feel of gritty 70s horror, but he makes everyone either a hillbilly or a prostitute.

I hated the Laurie Strode character in this version. I just wanted to smack her.

Octopunk said...

I'm going to have to be Persnickity Percy and point out that Loomis does survive this movie; he's in the sequel.

DKC said...

I believe the first 20 minutes is about all I've seen of this remake. Think I'll just stick to the original.

Abduscias said...

Crap, I remember seeing Loomis get killed. Maybe he went to Miracle Max from The Princess Bride and got fixed...who knows ;)


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